Holy Week Schedule
The following Holy Week liturgies are being broadcast from St. John Cantius Church in Chicago. All times are CDT (Central Daylight Time).
*NOTE: In this time of social distancing, all priests and servers in the broadcast are members of a religious community that live together as a family. Any other musicians singing for the liturgies are doing so in a separate location. The music offered differs from our usual scheduled music program.
Palm Sunday
7:30 am - Tridentine Low Mass (Latin)
9:30 am - English/Latin Mass with Sung Passion (Ordinary Form)
12:30 pm - Tridentine High Mass (Latin)
2:00 pm - Rosary and Solemn Vespers
7:00 am - English Mass (with Gregorian Chant)
8:00 am - Tridentine Low Mass (Latin)
4:30 pm - Rosary and Vespers
7:00 pm - Compline
7:00 am - English Mass (with Gregorian Chant)
8:00 am - Tridentine Low Mass (Latin)
4:30 pm - Rosary and Vespers
7:00 pm - Compline
7:30 am - English Mass (with Gregorian Chant)
8:00 am - Tridentine Low Mass (Latin)
7:30 pm - Sung Tenebrae Service
Holy Thursday
8:00 am - Simple Tenebrae Service
7:00 pm - Mass of the Lord's Supper (Ordinary Form - Latin)
8:30 pm - Stripping and Washing of the Altar
Good Friday
8:00 am - Simple Tenebrae Service
3:00 pm - Service of the Lord's Passion (Ordinary Form - Latin)
4:30 pm - Sung Divine Mercy Chaplet and Novena
Holy Saturday
8:00 am - Simple Tenebrae Service
10:00 pm - The Great Paschal Vigil (Ordinary Form - Latin & English)
Easter Sunday
7:30 am - Tridentine Low Mass (Latin)
8:45 am - Eucharistic Procession from the Tomb and Benediction
9:00 am - English Mass (Ordinary Form)
11:00 am - Latin Mass (Ordinary Form)
12:30 pm - Solemn Tridentine High Mass (Latin)
Holy Week Live Stream Schedule
Updated: Apr 7, 2020