The Superior General and the General Council of the Canons Regular, after prayer and discernment, made the following assignments which was confirmed by Cardinal Blase Cupich, the Archbishop of Chicago.
The Constitutions of the Canons Regular, ask that an ideal minimum number at each of our houses, for living out our common life and the solemn celebration of the Church’s liturgy. As our community continues to grow please keep us in your prayers for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for our new vocations.
These assignments below take effect July 1st, 2022
Rev. Joseph Brom, SJC, in accordance with our Ratio Formationis, is assigned to the Chicago house for his first year and will serve as Associate Pastor at St. John Cantius Church, while pursuing his degree in Canon Law at Catholic University of America.
Rev. Brendan Gibson, SJC is assigned to the Springfield house and will serve as Associate Pastor of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in the Diocese of Springfield
Rev. Dennis Kolinski, SJC is assigned to the Volo house as House Prior and will serve as Associate Pastor of St. Peter Parish
Rev. Trenton Rauck, SJC is assigned to the Chicago house and will serve as Associate Pastor at St. John Cantius Parish
Rev. Scott Thelander, SJC is assigned to the Volo house and will be assigned as Associate Pastor of St. Peter Parish
Br. Kevin Menard, SJC is assigned to the Volo house while continuing his seminary studies at Mundelein Seminary.
Br. Andrew Panzer, SJC, is assigned to the Chicago house while continuing his seminary studies at Mundelein Seminary.
Br. Quinn Huston, is assigned to the Chicago house while continuing his religious formation.
Br. Mateusz Szymańksi, is assigned to the Springfield house while continuing his religious formation.
Below is a picture of the religious houses of the Canons Regular beginning July 1st:
Motherhouse of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius

Very Rev. Joshua Caswell - Superior and Pastor
Rev. David Yallaly - House Prior
Rev. Joseph Brom
Rev. Nathan Ford
Rev. Trenton Rauck
Rev. Anthony Rice
Rev. Albert Tremari
Br. Juan Garcia
Br. Quinn Houston
Br. Andrew Panzer (seminarian)

Rev. Nathan Caswell - Pastor and Superior
Rev. Dennis Kolinski
Rev. Robin Kwan
Rev. Scott Thelander
Br. Kevin Menard (Seminarian)

Rev. Kevin Mann - Superior
Rev. Jim Isaacson - Pastor
Rev. Brendan Gibson
Br. Mateusz Szymański

1025 W. Fry - Adjacent to St. John Cantius Church
Br. Mark Visconti - Novice Director
Rev. Matthew Schuster - Junior Director & Director of Formation
Br. Nathaniel Pierce
Br. Kevin Doerge
Br. Marko Culjak
Br. Joshua Smerker
Br. Cole Schram
Incoming Postulants
The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius is a religious community of men dedicated to the restoration of the Sacred. The community was founded in 1998 under Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. and now has over 30 members from the United States, Canada, and Poland. Currently the Canons Regular serve in three parishes in two dioceses: St. John Cantius Parish in Chicago, St. Peter Parish in Volo, and St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Springfield, Illinois.
The Canons imitate Christ, live in radical opposition to the values of the world, and work to restore the sacred in the Church and in their own lives, seeking the sanctification of all.
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