During the General Chapter of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, the importance of strengthening community life in all of the religious houses of the order was discussed. To accomplish this goal assignments of some members of the Canons Regular are shifting in the new year.

Based on the recommendations of the Governing Council and the Superior General of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, Cardinal Cupich has supported the following reassignments:
As of January 5, 2020 Fr. Joshua Caswell, SJC has been appointed as
Pastor of St. John Cantius Church.
Fr. Nathan Caswell, SJC has been appointed as Pastor of St. Peter in Volo.
Fr. Anthony Rice, SJC and Fr. Scott Thelander, SJC have both been appointed as associate pastors of St. John Cantius Church.
Fr. Brendan Gibson, SJC and Fr. Robin Kwan, SJC, will both transition to associate pastors at St. Peter's in the coming months.
Additionally, two of the seminarians will be serving as pastoral interns spring and summer 2020 - Br. Andrew Panzer, SJC at St. John Cantius, and Br. Joseph Brom, SJC at St. Peter’s in Volo.
We are thankful to God for His wondrous Providence and for the support of your prayers and sacrifices on behalf of the Canons Regular. We ask you to keep us in prayer as we continue to serve God and His people throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago and Diocese Springfield.