The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius

The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius feel that the call to holiness is addressed to all people in all ages. It is a radical call to not only follow Christ in His teachings but also to follow His example—to “be holy as [He] is holy.” They answer this call and seek personal sanctity by imitating Christ in radical opposition to the values of this world. They wish to Restore the Sacred in the Church, in the world and in their own lives in pursuit not only of their own sanctification, but also the salvation and sanctification of all. They desire to be faithful to the call they have received from God to “Restore the Sacred” and seek to nurture a continuing renewal of the Christian life as fed by the mysteries of the liturgical patrimony of the Church.
from the Constitutions of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius

Very Rev. Joshua Caswell, SJC
Superior General
Canons Regular
of St. John Cantius
From Brabant Lake, Saskatchewan

Rev. Nathan Ford, SJC
Vocations Director
Associate Pastor
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Coldwater, MI

Rev. Andrew
Panzer, SJC
Associate Pastor,
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Wheeling, IL

Br. Juan
Garcia, SJC
Permanent Brother
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Chicago, IL

Rev. Robin
Kwan, SJC
Associate Pastor
St. Peter Parish, Volo
From San Diego, CA

Rev. Kevin
Mann, SJC
Associate Pastor
St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Springfield
From Mission Viejo, CA

Br. Mateusz Szymański, SJC
Seminarian, University of St. Mary
of the Lake, Mundelein, IL
From Warsaw, Poland

Br. Nathaniel Pierce, SJC
From Chicago, IL

Rev. David Yallaly, SJC
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Villa Grove, IL

Rev. Trenton
Rauck, SJC
Associate Pastor
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Indianapolis, IN

Rev. Albert
Tremari, SJC
In Residence
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Chicago, IL

Fr. Nathan
Caswell, SJC
St. Peter Parish, Volo
From Brabant Lake, Saskatchewan

Rev. Scott Thelander, SJC
Associate Pastor
St. Peter Parish, Volo
From Columbus, IN

Rev. Brendon
Gibson, SJC
Associate Pastor
St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Springfield
From Chicago, IL

Br. Marko Culjak, SJC
From Skokie, IL

Br. Joshua
Smerker, SJC
From Helena, MT

Rev. Matthew Schuster, SJC
Director of Formation
Associate Pastor
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Leonard, MI

Rev. Joseph
Brom, SJC
Associate Pastor,
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Lisle, IL

Br. Mark
Visconti, SJC
Novice Director
St. John Cantius Parish, Chicago
From Stoughton, MA

Rev. Dennis Koliński, SJC
Associate Pastor
St. Peter Parish, Volo
From Stevens Point, WI

Rev. James
Isaacson, SJC
St. Katharine Drexel Parish,
From Chicago, IL

Dcn. Kevin
Menard, SJC
Transitional Deacon
Seminarian, University of St. Mary
of the Lake, Mundelein, IL
From Arlington Heights, IL

Br. Kevin
Doerge, SJC
From Pittsburgh, PA
“Let all of you then live together in oneness of mind and heart, mutually honoring in yourselves the God whose temples you have become.”
Rule of St. Augustine